Murder In Reverse 1945 Based on a story called Query by Seamark (Austin J Small), written and directed by Montgomery Tully. A British film starring William Hartnell. It was the second feature for Tully, he'd go on directing until 1967. I;ve only seen a handful of his films. Most recent was The Diamond Wizard..
William Hartnell plays Tom, his wife Doris has been cheating with a guy called Fred. Tom gets into a fight with Fred and chases him to the docks, Fred falls in the river, despite the lack of a body Tom goes to prison. Tom was sentenced to death but that got commuted to 15 years. Now Tom's out.
Tom believes that Fred did not drown in the river near Limehouse. He thinks Fred is still alive, Tom claims to have seen him but no one will believe it. Tom finds Doris all alone, Fred ran off and left her. Tom doesn't want her either. When Tom finally finds Fred things get interesting.
A decent crime story with good actors and a good twist at the end. It's got a rating of 6.8 on the IMDb and that's fine with me. I enjoyed it and would want to watch it again. You can see it on YouTube.