White Sky 2021 Screenplay by Philip Daay, directed by Adam Wilson. A British movie about an alien invasion.
Three campers wake to find aliens have arrived. From a hill they watch an alien spaceship drop something on their small town. The agent turns the humans into growly runny zombie like critters. The zombies eventually get to the campers who were unprepared to go camping let alone fight off a bunch of zombies. The zombies are smart enough not to attack when they have low numbers. When they have enough zombies in one place they attack.
The campers hook up with a dodgy guy and do as many stupid things as you can imagine. There's a lot of personal drama going on. There's a lot walking and running through the forest. That helps make it less interesting to me. It's mostly below average and there isn't much of anything original here. I did like the effect of the talc coming off the zombie while it was running through the wood. Not enough to make me want to watch it again sometime. Another from YouTube.
The Quiet Hour 2014 Written and directed by Stéphanie Joalland. Another low budget British alien invasion movie. It was shot in County Tipperary in Ireland. Plenty of damp forest.
Sarah and her blind brother Tom are waiting in on their farm for their father to return from a trip to search for food. It's been a year since the aliens invaded the Earth and took over. They use technology to mine the Earth of minerals and metals. They kill the humans when they see them. It's best to remain indoors.
One day a man called Jude sneaks into the house, they help him because he's been shot in the leg. Soon other scavengers show up, they want Sarah to put Jude outside where they can get to him. He killed one of their people and they've been following him for a while. Now they can get their revenge and some food. A man from the group breaks into the house. He tries to rape Sarah but Jude kills him. Things get worse and worse until hardly anyone is alive to get the good news about the aliens.
It's barely average, I gave it a really generous 5 but I did struggle, wanting to click on the 4 instead.