Sky Series 1 1975 Created and written by Bob Baker and Dave Martin, directed by Patrick Dromgoole, Leonard White, Derek Clark and Terry Harding. Bob and Dave wrote a number of Doctor Who stories in the 1970s, they created K-9. The pair wrote for shows like Pretenders, Arthur And The Britons, Z-Cars, King Of The Castle and Into The Labyrinth. Bob would write several stories for Wallace and Gromit.
Sky is a boy from the future, he's stuck in the wrong time and the Earth's World Soul isn't liking it. It tries to reject him from the Earth but he battles it with his super powers with the help of three local kids. There's a baddie who chases after Sky but he's fairly easily defeated. The local adults are confused by the goings on.
The show was shot on 2 inch video tape, episodes 3 and 7 were damaged in a transfer in the 90s. They used VHS copies of the episodes when the show was put on DVD. The copies I found online were pretty fuzzy and the VHS episodes were the worst of the lot.
I didn't think it was much of anything special and doubt I'd bother with it again. There's a lot of nostalgia voting on the IMDb, possibly by viewers that were children when it was first on, 82% of the votes are in the 6 to 10 range. That's ridiculous. It's weighted average is a 6.8 and I gave it a generous 5.