School For Sex 1969 Produced, written and directed by Pete Walker. The second film in the Kino Lorber Blu-ray with For Men Only.
Lord Wingate sets up a finishing school for bad girls. He teaches them ways to scam money from rich men. He'll take a cut from their spoils. The first girls come from a local prison. The scheme works for a while, then comes tumbling down.
There's plenty of jokes, some of them dumb and some less so. I don't remember laughing at a gag but some scenes made me laugh. There's plenty of dumb writing and goofy scenes as the girls get trained up in swindling. Sadly, at their best these girls aren't up to the girls from St Trinian's.
I liked it better than For Men Only but it's still below average. Pete Walker has said he thought it was a terrible film. I might watch it again someday but mostly to see Nosher Powell again. Some might remember him from Eat The Rich, The Comic Strip or The Sweeney.
The version on the disc is the regular UK version, there are a number of extra scenes that have more nudity what were for areas that were more permissive of nudity. They might have allowed more nudity in the US, I don't know for sure. It made good box office in the US, around $2.5 million, that's nearly $18 million today.