Quanta 2019 Written and directed by Nathan Dalton. An Australian SF film about some scientists who've received a signal from space.
It's a talky talky type of movie. We spend a lot of time with scientists. The older guy is in research for a corp but he gets let go. He goes to work for a university with the stipulation he takes on an assistant. The assistant is a young brilliant guy who, like the older guy, lacks a connection to the world around him. The younger guy takes the alien message and projects it into his head. He stumbles around and things drag along before the older guy helps him get the message out of his head.
It's rather dull and I didn't find it very interesting. I wouldn't need to see it again. You can see it on YouTube.
Stonehenge Apocalypse 2010 Written by Brad Abraham and Paul Ziller, directed by Paul Ziller. A Canadian SF film about an ancient prophecy.
Ancient aliens build a power grid under the Earth a long time ago. Something triggers the grid and it starts turning pyramids into volcanoes. Scientists figure that the grid is trying to terraform the world. They stumble around for a long time and millions die before they figure out how to shut it down.
It's better than the last movie but still below average. Not something I'd watch again. You can see it on YouTube.