Vampyres 1974 Screenplay by Diana Daubeney, directed by José Ramón Larraz under the name Joseph Larraz.
A couple of women are shot to death in an English country manor house, they revive as vampires and start sucking unsuspecting travelers. A couple in a caravan camp near the mansion, they see the vampire ladies out and about. They hunt and gather solo people out and about in the night. Some they have sex with before they murder them, others just get a bit of murdering. Hardly anyone survives to the end of the movie. In the morning a realtor shows up with a couple interested in the house. As the movie jumps to the credits I wonder if that guy got a sale.
The vampire gals are Anulka Dziubinska and Marianne Morris, that's them in the picture above, the are a great murderous pair. They're my favorite thing about the movie. The film itself is just average, there's plenty of nudity and sex, and a bit of story to pad out the naughty naughty. There's some decent gore and a few gags. There's not that much to recommend about it but I did get a laugh or two. I found a copy on YouTube but it appears to be gone now.