Agatha Christie's Hjerson Series 1 Created by Patrik Gyllström. Hjerson is a character that appears in the Ariadne Oliver novels that Poirot is reading within the Agatha Christie novels. The Swedish series of 8 episodes aired in 2021. Each story is made up of two episodes which are streaming on MZH.
Hjerson is a retired criminal investigator. As we meet him he's taking the ferry to his hometown in Åland. I'm some what curious about Åland, I collect stamps from island nations. Hjerson meets a woman on the ferry called Klara. They get involved with a murder on the ferry. On the island there's another murder. Hjerson and Klara solve the murders. In the second story Hjerson finds a body on the beach. The man is dead and dressed as a chicken. The body disappears while Hjerson goes to call the police. In the third episodes someone is using fictional murders as the basis of their murders. The fourth story an actor is murdered on a film set, blank bullets have been replaced with real bullets in a scene.
The crimes are decent enough, the real action is the relationship between the quirky Klara and the quirky Hjerson. It's a nice looking show with plenty of nice scenery on Åland. The characters are some annoying but they work well enough together. I enjoyed the series and was sad there aren't anymore. I haven't heard anything on another series. I enjoyed them enough to want to watch them again someday.