Angry Ranger 1991 Written by Kam Cheong Chan and directed by Lung-Wei Wang. A Chinese action film produced by Jackie Chan with fight choreography by the Jackie Chan Stent Team.
Peter is home from a stint in prison for fighting. He finds some of the people he knew in the neighborhood are worse villains than they were before he went to prison. He shows interest in a lady who is the wife of a gang leader. Things head downhill after that.
Peter renews old acquaintances, his brother has a car repair shop, a younger friend has a magazine stand. Peter gets a job in a fish market but he can't stop crossing the local gangs in one way or another. Most of his activity leads to a fight, there's plenty of those.
Peter never seems to think he should leave that woman alone, she gets beaten repeatedly by her husband but she's too afraid to leave him. Peter's brother, his young friend and the fish shop owners are all beaten for knowing Peter, intimidation is a common thug practice. Things end with a big fiery battle and plenty of people are hurt and a few are on fire. There's a rather vague ending for Peter and the young woman either. They survive but the police show up just before the credits role. We never find out if he went to jail or was given a medal for burning up some criminals.
I liked the movie, it's got some good action and a bit of humor. It's a good reminder not to fight with gangsters, Peter just doesn't seem to be able to restrain himself. I do find it sad that the local police aren't ridding the streets of the gangster element. No one cares about the poor locals and I'm guessing gangster bribes are too good to give up.