Series 10 came out around May - June 2013 and this time they jazzed the series up with a chase figure. I'm not a big fan of chase figures. A multitude of chase cards ruined Non-Sport Card collecting for me and I'm sure I had plenty of company. Mr Gold was inserted randomly in some packages. I heard from one of the staff at the LEGO store that there were 5000 of them and there was 1 Mr G per 12 cases of 60 figures each. Brickset says there were 5K of the Mr G's produced but they don't have any figures on their distribution.

Of course I didn't wind up with one but I'm lucky to feel that I don't need one. If I had one it would be packed away in baggie, inside a box, to keep it nice. Or I would have sold it. The former just isn't as appealing to me as it used to be, so, it's a good thing, not needing one. Mr Gold's were selling for $700 plus on Bricklink in July 2013 but I wouldn't want to spend a huge chuck of my always limited LEGO budget on one figure. That's just nuts! Of course, if I had one, that price would be mighty attractive. It would buy a huge pile of new sets. In all I'd rather have figures I can use. Lucky for me this batch of figures has a nice variety of costumes and accessories, some of which I'm sure I can use. There are two new animals in this lot.

I actually bought more of this series than the last couple of sets, 43 of them, plus the Medusa Lonn gave me at the TCLUG meeting last month. There were a few of the figures that were nice enough to want more than one, the Medusa, the Captain and the Bumblebee lady are at the top of the quantity list for me. I picked up a display box at Target, one of two sitting on the shelf. I didn't feel I should just go up to the cash register with an empty box so I pulled out all but a half dozen random packs and bought those. I'm sure I'm being silly, the cashiers just don't seem to care at all, and I've gotten several boxes from there. I'm sure it's less cardboard for Target to get rid of. I have most of the boxes from the series but not the complete set. I use them to store stuff I don't use, like duplicate instructions, but don't want to toss out yet. They get packed into boxes in the attic and I don't have to look at them too often. At least they get dusty packed in a box.

There's the set checklist and the Mr Gold announcement. You can go to the LEGO website and report finding one. You have to put in a code from the packaging. I hadn't thought about this before today but I noticed that 4 of the 16 figures had weapons of one kind or another, 5 if you count the paint ball gun. I thought it seemed like more than usual but hadn't studied it before. I always like seeing a lot of accessories, though I would like to have less weaons and more other items. I went and looked at the whole series to see what the ratio of weapons was between the sets. Series 2 was the only set with 1 weapon. Series 4 had 2 weapons. There were no sets with 3 weapons and no sets with no weapons. Series 7 & 9 had 4 weapons and series 4, 5, 6, 8 & 10 each had 5 weapons. Series 1 topped the list in arsenal additions with 6 weapons. If I was more anal retentive I might go and inventory the types of weapons. Mostly they're swords, rayguns and spears. I need to start thinking of ways to use weapons as decoration.

Our first two gals don't have any weapons. Just their natural charm. They have magical powers though, one can turn your heart to mush and the other your body to stone. I thought the librarian was really cute, I like girls with glasses, and got a second one. She has a good hair piece, a printed book, sadly with a dumb title, and a printed cup. Her costume is nice and should be able to serve in a variety of mocs. I wound up with 6 of the Medusa because I wanted a bunch of those snake bodies. They were easy to find since the part is so big. I like the snake hairpiece. Perhaps re-assembled the parts can yield up some new creatures.

The costumes on the Roman Commander, Warrior Woman and Tomahawk Warrior are all great. I got one of the Roman, a couple of Xena, and one mohawk dude. All the accessories are good. I do like the dark red cape and feel I couldn't have too many of them. They have only appeared 7 times so far. Once in a Harry Potter set, 4737 Quidditch Match, a Castle set, a Kingdom set and two Lord Of The Rings sets. Besides this collectible minifigure the dark red cape appeared on another collectible minifigure. I used a bunch of them in my Bento Box so I've kind of depleted my stock. I like the new tomahawk but I had a 3 or 4 from the Lone Ranger sets. Of the accessories I thought the shield was the most spectacular. I wanted a second shield, so I was glad when I got a duplicate. The shields will make great decorations. At least one is going on the Viking ship I'm working on. That needs a variety of shields along the deck of the ship.

Parachute guy is just so-so, lime green helmet aside, and I only got one. He does have a good face. The Bumblebee lady is cute, I like the honey pot, the costume and the wings. I got 4 of them, mostly for the wings. They can be used to make fairies, or aliens. Grandpa has a cup and a newspaper. The bald hairpiece is ok. If my own hairline receeds anymore I might need to have that piece for my sigfig.

Paintball guy is dull as dishwater to me. I might have use for the gun as a greeble but the costume has limited use. I wound up with two, one of which was a random pick. The sea captain is nice, from his hat to his jacket and sweater, and his seagull is even
better. I worked to get 8 of that figure. The seagull was what I really wanted most of the whole series and it was fairly easy to find by feelin' up that bag. I got 4 of the sad clown, some of which were random picks, hopefully I can do something with them sometime. Those hats could be used for decorations and the ruffle might come in handy for something.

The Revolutionary Soldier is another nice figure but of little use to me. I can't see getting enough to create a scene. So I got the one and was lucky to not get some more when I picked up those few random packs at Target when I got the display box. I'm not much i
nterested in that war and you'd need dozens of soldiers to make a good moc. Unluckily, for me, I piled up 4 of the baseball player. I can't imagine ever needing a team and the hat, while ok, isn't something that I feel I need more than one or two. On the other hand I might have liked a couple more than the 3 I got of the Trendsetter. That has to be one of the worst names for a minifgi. I did like her hair, the smart phone and the dog. Her costume is ok but I'd rather have a new critter.

The decorator is a posh name for a house painter. I can't see why they didn't call it that. I only got the one but I wouldn't have minded a second for the paint roller part. He does have a new hat. I got one of the motorcycle mechanic, it's not that special or anything. I have enough wrenches from the numerous grab bags I got at the LEGO store. Mr Gold will continue to be elusive. I won't miss him. I have plenty of his friends. Again, a nice mix of figures. You can still find them various places so I might randomly get a pack or two.