Doctor Who 0042 Fury From The Deep Six part story that aired March 16 to April 20 1968. Written by Victor Pemberton and directed by Hugh David. All episodes are gone, there was audio released in 1993 and repeatedly there after, the tiny bit of footage remaining was released on VHS and DVD, the animated episodes were released in 2020.
Not the best picture but one of the few color images that have turned up. Quite the sight to see on the beach. The three disc set has all episodes animated in color and B&W, the episodes all have commentaries. There is a recreation of the episodes using the available soundtrack and the telesnaps made at the time of broadcast. I watched the color animated episodes first, then the B&W with commentary on, last I watched the telesnaps version. With all the "making of" extras it took ages to watch, I didn't finish everything until this morning, it was the first time I was watching this story so there was a lot to see. I'm not planning to watch and listen to all the extras on the upcoming stories that I've already seen.
All the beach scenes were filmed on 16 mm film at Margate in February. Everyone says it's beastly cold, you can see their bare legs. The Tardis lands on the North Sea and the gang has to row ashore in a rubber dingy. They find a lot of foam on the beach and a big gas pipe, the Doctor messes about with both. This episode introduces the sonic screwdriver for the first time. According to the commentaries Patrick dropped the original prop in the foam and they couldn't find it. A piece of Deborah Watling's life jacket was used instead.
The gang are knocked out remotely and brought to a gas production building. The gas comes from a group of oil drilling rigs out in the North Sea, they're all connected to a central rig that connects to the mainland pipe. The gang wake up to the sound of the yelly Mr Robson, he's the head of the project, he's a real pain in the ass kind of guy.
The Doctor tells Robson he heard something in the gas line but he's not believed. What Robson believes is the Doctor and the others are suspicious and should be locked up. Robson's main problem is the drop in pressure in the feed pipe and the lost of communication from the rigs.
Robson's second in command Harris thinks they should look into this drop in pressure and the possibility of something blocking the flow. Robson's having none of that. Mrs Harris is pricked by some seaweed and falls ill, Harris tries to find the stations doctor but he's out on a rig and no one's heard from him. Mrs Harris gets a visit from two technicians from the base who breath noxious gas at her. When the Doctor and party arrive they find Mrs Harris unresponsive. The Doctor finds some of the seaweed and takes it back to the Tardis for a look see.
The Doctor discovers the seaweed has some odd properties. Back at the base Mrs Harris has disappeared and Robson is infected by the seaweed. Mrs Harris walks into the sea while Robson watches. Harris arrives and Robson tells him he'll see his wife soon.
Mrs Jones is the head of the project, she arrives with her assistant and starts trying to find out what's going on, she takes the Doctor's advice to shut down the flow. It's a bit too late, the seaweed has bust through and into the base. There's chaos for a while, everything is covered with foam.
The commentary mentions that there was about £20,000 worth of damages at Elstree Studios, this is where the chose to shoot the foam scenes because there was little space in the BBC studios and all the gear had wires on the floors. They put plastic down and continued on.
Eventually the Doctor figures out a way to fight the creature and the infected human's return to normal. This is the story that put Victoria over the edge of her fear. She decides to leave the gang and stay with the Harris family. She doesn't want any more adventures. Jamie can't seem to understand why but the Doctor says it's her decision and they leave. Deborah Watling thought it was time to move on. Patrick and Frazier were really sorry to see her go.
A fairly good story for the most part, it holds up after repeated views. Mind you, I decided I didn't need to listen to the audio CDs. The extras include commentaries for each episode, production subtitles, surviving footage, episode 6 film trims, episode 6 behind the scenes footage, animating Fury From The Deep, teaser trailer, episode 1-6 reconstruction, info text subtitles, making featurette, effects featurette, photo gallery and PDF content. There's also an audio program called The Slide, a story by Victor Pemberton what was originally written for the first series of Doctor Who but never produced. I didn't listen to that, it was 3.5 hours, I might get to it someday.